Our Partners
Alliances and partnerships produce stability.
D2C have a strong network of relevant Partners.
We will complete jointly your projects and help you all along the lifespan of your system.
Bpifrance supports D2C’s R&D by financing since May 2017 the development of our multiphysics simulation tools.
Réseau Entreprendre
D2C's President is a member of the Réseau Entreprendre Var since January 2017.
Thanks to that network, D2C are perfectly integrated into Toulon’s Industrial and Economical area.
Pôle Mer Méditerranée
D2C is a proud member of the Pôle Mer Méditerranée.
This competitivity cluster centralizes skills, competences and projects that are Sea Tech oriented.
D2C therefore have access to a huge pool of competences and business opportunities.